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Program Details & Course Contents
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Program participants & Participation
Pricing and Licensing
What is the course duration?
The course has been designed to accommodate your time constraints while aiming for maximum efficiency for you and your organization. Each topic is covered for the most part by 5 to 7 crisp videos of a few minutes each and with a support document, a step-by-step guide. The time you spend with you teams on the step-by-step guides will depend on your specific situation and your team dynamics. These guides have been designed to be very concrete and effective.
How can I get the most value out of the program?
The program has been designed in a concrete and concise way. It allows you to listen to the videos any time you want, as many times you want. The support documents and action plans allow you to concretely apply the contents of each video to your organization. You can spend time on any subject as much as you want or need and if necessary, you can also submit questions or comments, which will be regrouped and answered on a regular basis.
To get the most value out of the program we recommend that your team members also complete the program. This will enrich exchanges with them and multiply the positive impacts on your organization thanks to the establishment of joint actions.
How long will the videos be available?
You will have access to the program for 1 year, following your registration. You are also free to take out a subscription to continue to have access to the program beyond this period, to benefit from updates to the program based on the feedback of our community and possibly new features inspired by the evolution of the business environment.
Why did you select these 12 course topics?
These 12 topics were selected based on the multiple experiences of the business leaders who participated in the development of the program. They represent the key areas that every business leader must master to be at the top of his/her game, the key areas mastered by high-performing companies.
They unfold in a logical way, starting with the business model, the cornerstone of any business, then covering the key areas in business strategy and execution, concluding by addressing your key role as a leader or future leader. They are developed based on how the most successful companies approach those.
Is it possible to only take a few course topics?
The program is only available in its entirety. However, each topic can be listened to independently. Nevertheless, we recommend that you follow all the topics, even those that seem already known, as you may discover a new approach that will stimulate your thinking.
What are the profiles of the business leaders behind this program?
The leaders behind this program are seasoned leaders who all have many different experiences and are all driven by a passion for business and success. They have held general management positions and some of them have also been partners and advisors to numerous companies. Their experiences span multiple industries and business sizes: from business start-ups to small and medium-sized businesses, to global organizations generating revenues in excess of billion dollars.
They all integrate their discussions with high performing companies and successful leaders, numerous colleagues, and business leaders into their reflections.
Do you intend to update the program?
This program will be regularly enriched based on the realities of tomorrow and feedback from learners.
Do you intend to develop new programs?
Yes, this is aligned with our mission. New programs will always aim to transform business leaders and their company's performance through concise high-level training and practical tools developed & validated by leaders, that can be accessed at any time, from any device, anywhere.
What is the target audience for this program?
The program is designed for entrepreneurs, current or future leaders of companies or business units, regardless of their size, sector of activity, country or culture. The course covers the fundamentals that every leader or future leader must master to extract the full potential of their organization. It is also aimed at their teams involved in implementing the step-by-step guides. It is also aimed at members of executive committees, management teams and boards of directors who need or want to understand, with the CEO, how to lead their company or business unit towards superior performance.
Is it possible to ask questions or to submit remarks?
Yes of course, we welcome your feedback, questions, remarks about the program. We will incorporate them into our reflection and, possibly, in a future update of the program.
We will answer your questions by grouping them together and make the answers available to all users on a regular basis.
We will also create a community to encourage exchanges between the participants.
Is it possible to adapt and deliver the course in person, on-site or remote?
No, we have ensured that through the format of the program, videos, step-by-step guides, Q&A and forum you will fully benefit from the course whatever the characteristics of your company. However, our intention, for specific situations, is to certify a number of companies capable of delivering the program onsite or remotely. These partner companies will also be able to adapt the program to specific needs, without altering its foundations. The list of those partners will be made available on the website.
Is it possible to apply for a company license?
Yes, its price will depend on the number of users within the company. All you have to do is make a request through the website via the 'Contact Us' page. We recommend that companies take this course, in addition to their managing director and business unit directors, their executive committee and management teams, the board of directors and the company's future leaders and talents.
Is it possible to request a price reduction?
previously stated, in the case of a license to use per company and depending on
the volume, a price reduction may be granted per user.
In the case
of business creation, individual applications may be submitted, a reduction may
be granted based on a correctly submitted application ('Contact Us' page). We are sensitive to
entrepreneurship and the possible financial constraints of business creators.

The Course